Wednesday 24 December 2014

Blog Meet World

'Not your girl' is a phrase I stole from a t-shirt. I hold up my hands and openly admit to plagiarism, sorry H&M. I call this blog Not Your Girl for the same reason I describe it as 'free-thinking', it is a non-restrictive space where the thoughts and experiences recorded belong to nobody but myself - there is no editor, censoring or endorsement. Though it is independent, this blog cannot claim to be objective since what I offer are my interpretations. My aim is to document as many of my experiences as I can in a form that though personal is also widely accessible. If you have a quick scroll through the past articles I've posted you'll see that I write on a variety of things: social issues, lifestyle, theatre and fashion are sections I've covered recently. So there really is no niche, though please don't expect the unexpected because that's too much pressure on me to be wonderfully original. Maybe expect nothing and then be pleasantly surprised when there is something (life lesson #1?).
So World, meet Blog - I'm sure you'll get along.

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